Thursday, September 20, 2012


We are called to love.  To love with no strings attached, with no promise of being accepted in return.  Just to love.  The problem is, more often than not, we hope there’s transformation.  Deep down, we have an agenda.  We want the ‘other’ to become like us – to BELIEVE like us, to BEHAVE like us, to BE like us.  We want transformation. 

We deceive ourselves, and claim to love without an agenda.  We deceive the ‘other’ and love only if and when they transform.

I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we focused, not on the transformation of 'others,' but on our own transformation.  What if we loved, not in an attempt to convert, change,  or ‘win over’ others, but instead as an opportunity for discovery in our own lives – an opportunity for us to transform more into the image bearers we are created to be?

What if we were willing, for our own misunderstandings, stereotypes, and fears, to be not only exposed, but transformed as we put names and faces on the conversation?  What if we thought through the implications of our actions, words, positions, and responses toward issues through the lens of relationships we’ve built with real people?

What if we were willing to sacrifice our agenda and just love?

Be Blessed!

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