Sunday, December 2, 2012


Words matter.  Particularly when discussing what we believe.  The words we choose to use (or not use) are pregnant with deep meaning when we refuse to explore and acknowledge this truth.  We potentially miss out on a fuller understanding of what it is we are, in fact, subscribing to.  For example, I recently wrote to discuss the theological and practical implications of the root of the word “incarnation.”  Specifically I wrote:
‘At the root of this theologically pregnant word is the Latin word, “carne” meaning ‘flesh’ or ‘meat’ quite literally, the flesh that covers the bones.  The incarnation shows us what God is like with skin on.’

An identical epiphany took place when the multi-faceted Glenn Packiam (Pastor of New Life Downtown in Colorado Springs) tweeted the following: 
‘Learned this morning that ‘radical’ comes from the Latin, ‘radix’, which means ‘root.’  He who is most rooted is most radical.”

Sadly, many of us are rooted (or rather, STUCK) in traditions created long after God walked among us in the person of Christ, rigid with a wooden interpretation of scripture that becomes increasingly irrelevant to the world in which we are called to live.  It is when we realize the liberating message of Jesus that transcends a legalistic adherence and commitment to law that we are most rooted in His radical memorandum or redemption, reconciliation, and hope.  Didn’t you get the memo?  Glenn sums up this message of Jesus’ good news this way:  ‘we are outsiders who’ve been made insiders because of Jesus; the ones who were far away but now have been brought near…the kingdom has come.” 

The possibilities are endless and everyone is invited!  So…what are you rooted in?  What is it that evokes the most radical reaction in you?  Are you rooted in man-made traditions or are you rooted in the radical representation of God that we find in the person, work, and words of Jesus?

Be Blessed!

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