Saturday, July 21, 2012

And away we go!!!

     I've spent many hours reading the opinions of so many other bloggers that I decided to give it a try.  I do, after all, have many thoughts, opinions, rantings, and ravings running through my head and decided that I'd like to share some of them to see if anyone is on the same page.  If my opinions, rants, or raves offend of insult anyone in any way, that is NOT my intent.  As I have said, these are merely MY own opinions and not necessarily the opinions of anyone associated to me.  So, with that said, I will begin.

     It saddens me to think there are people sitting in churches each Sunday who have no personal relationship with our Lord.  They actually believe God is excited for them to sit and listen to their priest or pastor talk about Him.  When one wants God's promises without any responsibility on their part; when one wants a relationship that costs absolutely nothing; when one wants God's blessings on their life without His holiness in their life, then they are wasting their time practicing "religion" and definitely not "faith."

     Have a good day and be blessed!

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